Well, another weeks gone by and there's a pattern beginning to surface....and that would be that ERR227, Brian Ritz, is pretty good at putting his aeroplane down with the least amount of tire squeal! Brian had the softest landing at -102 while landing his B200 at Stewart Airport B.C. Most of the time, at least when I've flown that route, the clouds are with you until you cross over the Portland Canal and that gives you very little time to set-up for your approach. Brian had no problem. So another "Greased" landing badge goes to Brian Ritz. Well done!
Next would be a tie between ERR147, Cameron and ERR483, Dave with a landing rate of -153 while also landing at Stewart Airport B.C.
ERR 235, Mike Eldridge, joined us this week and posted a landing of -235 while landing at Ketchikan. Thanks for participating Mike.
So there you have it for Mar.14th. contest.
Next weeks contest will be a little different....stay tuned for details to be posted at the start of next week. We may have a whole lot more entrants in the Mar. 21st. contest.
See Ya!