The latest update as of Wednesday 3-5-14, has the leader at check point Ruby and the last place musher at check point Nikolai. So the race goes on with 56 mushers still in the race. Hope you're enjoying the scenery and can see the challenge that is the Iditarod!
2014 Iditarod Checkpoints
Checkpoint Distance From Start
Anchorage* 0
Campbell Airstrip* 11
Willow* 11
Yentna Station* 53
Skwentna* 83
Finger Lake* 123
Rainy Pass* 153
Rohn* 188
Nikolai* 263
McGrath* 311
Takotna* 329
Ophir* 352
Cripple 425
Ruby 495
Galena 545
Nulato 582
Kaltag 629
Unalakleet 714
Shaktoolik 754
Koyuk 804
Elim 852
White Mountain 898
Safety 953
Nome 975