Well we have another repeat by ERR227 Brian Ritz! Brian landed his 208 at -56 FPM while on a flight from 4A2 to PABE to earn the top spot for this weeks contest.
Second place went to ERR483, Dave, who landed his 738 at -68 on a flight from PAKT to KSEA. Congratulations to this weeks winner. If you'd liketo take part, simply check the FORUM for each weeks details and place LANDING CONTEST into your PIREP comments box.
A note on the landing contest. Two points..
#1 We are not obsessed with landing rates here at ERA, but they are important as we frequently land on gravel, dirt or grass. It's important to learn how to land the equipment without tearing it up. Short field landings and takeoffs are often the case. So everyone is encouraged to work on landings below -300 FPM.
If you haven't seen Flying Wild Alaska then we encourage you to watch an episode or 2 and get the feel of where ERA really flies. Strong cross winds, blinding snow storms, icy runways or frozen ground. Fields hacked out of the tundra or landings on river bed rocks.
#2 The landing contests are simply a way to have a little fun and competition between our pilots.
Dave - OM