Just a note to all Pilots that we will be starting a Weekly Event beginning Friday, Feb. 7th. at 0000 Zulu hr. It will be a weekly Landing contest where pilots will fly the same aircraft, to the same airport, with the same loaded weight, the same loaded fuel and attempt to record the "softest" landing rate. Each week the airport and aircraft will change. You'll have 24 hrs. to try as many times as you like. To add a bit more spice, you can fly back to the original airport and attempt the "softest" landing there as well!
So, for this inaugural event we will fly Flt. Number: ERRKRM06 / PAEN - PANC / 206 / PAYLOAD= 170 LBS. / FUEL= 20% (110.4 LBS) 52 NM Direct
And, if you want to, Fly back to Kenai. Flt. Number: ERR7H832 / PANC - PAEN / 206 / PAYLOAD= 170 LBS. / FUEL= 20% (110.4 LB) 52 NM Direct
Contest begins at 0000 Zulu Time ( 1600 hrs. PST 1800 hrs. CST 1900 hrs. EST ) Contest ends at 0000 Zulu Time Feb. 8th. (Saturday)
The next Landing Contest will be held on Friday, Feb. 14th, (Valentine's Day) Airports TBA
Hope to see some "greased" landings and lot's of participation!!
Dave - Operations Manager